
* Please note that all activities will be in English only.

Thursday October 28

Venue: Arts Sta. Mònica – La Rambla, 7 – Metro: Drassanes

  • 11.00am – 1.30pm Working group: Open Public Sector Information

    (Working document)

    • Regional Initiatives of PSI Re-use: the Piedmont Experience: Raimondo Iemma
    • Open PSI Initiatives: Focus on Europe: Daniel Dietrich
    • Current Challenges and Opportunities of PSI Re-use in a Legal Perspective: Marc de Vries
    • Fears, Risks, Challenges and Opportunities in the Digitization of Cultural Collections: Monika Hagedorn-Saupe
    • Interfaces Between Intellectual Property and Cultural Public Sector Information: Raquel Xalabarder
  • 3.00pm – 7.00pm Working group: Tools for Policy Reformers
  • * Due do the interactive nature of the event, please indicate your intent to participate by mailing us at fcforum(a)

  • 3.00pm-3.30pm Welcome and introductions/lightning talks
  • 3:30pm-5.00pm Short presentation followed by facilitated discussion of improvments for existing tools (focusing on the ‘how yes’ not the ‘why not’ ;))
  • 5.00pm-5.30pm Break
  • 5.30pm-7.00pm Short presentation followed by facilitated discussion on needs and scope for developing new tools

Friday October 29

Venue: Auditorium of The Central University of Barcelona, Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 585 – Metro: Universitat

Statement of Hypotheses, 50 short presentations

The first day of the FCForum’s is intended to delimit the context. There won’t be long speeches, just short presentations of the different hypotheses, as a starting point for discussion.

9.30am Accreditations and opening.

Welcome: Exgae

10am – 11.30am Macro transformations in progress: political and economic framework

Introduced and chaired by: YProductions

11.50am – 1.15pm Open online collaboration: Infrastructures sustainability and governance: Reflection from the practice of successful and failure cases (profit and non profit) and main research results on the general economical trends.

Contextualized and moderated by: Mayo Fuster Morell – Sustainability on infrastructure per cases:

1. Multi-media repositories:


3. Wiki collaboration – Communication services:

4. Communication services:

5. Blogs and online journalism:

6. Sum up recomendation:

4.30pm – 8.00pm The Sustainability of Cultural Production in the digital era: other hypotheses

Moderated by: EXGAE and Felix Stalder

6.15pm – 6.30pm *BREAK*

6.30pm – 8.00pm

8.00pm – 8.30pm Questions

* Note: today sessions are based on expositions, but not collective discussion. That’s why it’s very important the active use of Identica or Twitter in order to contribute and for us to collect reactions as input for Saturday and Sunday working groups

10pm * Sala Conservas, c/Sant Pau 58 – Metro: Liceu.
After dinner, presentation of the Icelandic Data Haven

Saturday October 30

Venue: Arts Sta. Mònica – La Rambla, 7 – Metro: Drassanes

Discussion panels

Working groups with several hypotheses, so that we work towards creating an overall strategy.

The discussion will revolve around the points of friction between the proposed models, in order to find ways to bring them closer and make them more compatible. We believe in creating means that can include and improve on all the options, so that they can cross-empower each other.

We will have some common group to debate the conflicting views and parallel working groups where we can get deeper into the specific issues and see what common positions we can develop.

State of the art

9.30am – 11.15am One group open discussion: Who creates Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era? What defines the Creative Community today?

11.15am – 1.30pm Parallel working groups: Mapping sustainability/ Unsustainability of the new models (problems and conditions).

The groups will be define on the previous session based on concrete approaches (foreseeable: infrastructures, concrete productive areas (music, cinema, books…), creative industries, collaborative creativity and other areas emerged on the first panel, etc.)

*Important note to participants: the Flat Rate topic is excluded in this session.

1.30am – 2.15pm Sharing conclusions of the working groups.

Next steps

3.30pm – 5.00pm One group open discussion: Flat Rate on Internet Conexion: Solution or Problem?

5.00pm- 7.30pm Parallel working groups:

7.30pm- 8.00pm Sharing conclusions of the working groups

8.00pm – 8.15pm Plannings for the following day

Sunday October 31

Venue: Arts Sta. Mònica – La Rambla, 7 – Metro: Drassanes


Our desired outcomes are as follows:

  • To create a Guide-Handbook for the sustainability of new economic models in the digital era.
  • To reinforce and expand on the global complicity and action network that already exist in the FCForum.

10am – 12midday Conclusions and draft structure

12midday – 1.30pm Continuity planning and diffusion:

3.15pm – 5pm Writing groups

5pm – 7pm Writing correction